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The Unteachables
by Gordon Korman

So far, in the book Unteachables the students/unteachables dumped a cartload of 1008 miniature plastic kazoos into the pond Because they did not get to participate in a school whide celebration and there teacher did not like the sound of the kazoos.

Night frlghts
by Joe mcgee

It is a good book but it is a bit scare and werd

max & ruby beach day

This book was fun! I really liked it! I want to read it again

Scardy Squirrel
by Melanie Watt

I like the illustrations and I like the funny warning on the first page.

Coral Snakes
by Linda George

I like that this book told you all about Coral Snakes.

I'm Santa Claus and I'm Famouse
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

It was my mom's favorite book and mine too. I want to be Santa Claus so I have to practice different things. That's what the book is about. A lot of fun.

Giraffes Cant Dance
by Giles Andreae

I like this book because Gerald didn't know how to dance and then the cricket told Gerald to listen to the Nature sounds to help him find his rhythm.

Maximum Ride Series
by Lee Naftali

I like that there is always something happening. There is a lot of suspense and the book is full of action.

The Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Secret Garden has good characters and beautiful pictures. If you like flowers, you get to see the before and after of gardens that get fixed up.

Little Elliot Big City
by Mike Curato

Big City Little Elliot is a cute book because the elephant is super cute. He loves cupcakes and is too short to get them. He later makes a friend who is a mouse.
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